How We Help

Hearing Aids, Screenings, Testing and more...

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    Hearing Aid Devices & Products

At Morris Audiological Services, we offer a variety of hearing aid devices and products from the most innovative and reliable brands which are tailored for all levels of hearing impairment. Be it hearing aids, hearing aid accessories, assistive listening devices or even custom ear mold products to help prevent hearing loss problems, we’ve got you covered!

However, due to the availability of numerous hearing aid devices, the process of selecting a device tends to be highly tasking and confusing. Morris Audiology understands this, and hence, we provide you with a top-notch consultation service that can prescribe the ideal device based on your requirements, lifestyle as well as budget.

series of hearing aids by oticon
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    Hearing Loss Screenings (All Ages)

Do you suspect you or a loved one may have a hearing impairment that requires monitoring? Or perhaps you are just interested in acquiring more knowledge about your auditory system. Regardless of the purpose, you do have the right to enjoy the very best hearing experience at all times.

Morris Audiology provides hearing loss screening service to ascertain your hearing abilities. A comprehensive, diagnostic hearing evaluations for all individuals irrespective of their ages. These tests can include tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), acoustic reflex measurements, pure tone air- and bone-conduction audiometry as well as reflectance testing. They are all painless and will only take few minutes, as we make use of ultra-sophisticated and highly precise equipment.

At the conclusion of the hearing evaluation appointment, we discuss the test results and recommendations for follow-up. And to cap it, we provide our patients with a copy of their audiogram, which represents the graphical plot of hearing thresholds, and a tailored report after the appointment.

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    Newborn Hearing Screenings

Rescreening for babies that fail the newborn hearing screen in the hospital. Initial hearing screening for babies who were never screened, including babies who were born at home.

Audiologist hearing test tools
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    Hearing Evaluation & Consultation

At Morris Audiology, we incorporate cutting edge test systems and a sound-proof booth to examine your hearing. With this evaluation, we test your ability to hear the softest sounds for a wide array of tones alongside your ability to detect and understand speech sounds for words issued at a normal listening level. This assists us in ascertaining the type of hearing impairment you possess or whether you have an on-going medical condition which would necessitate being referred to a physician. By the hearing evaluation, not only do we determine if hearing aids would be beneficial, but we also identify the type that would be of greatest use to you, having in mind the degree of your hearing loss, your hearing needs as well as your budget.

Our consultation comprises a tete-a-tete with the patient (alongside their companion) to ensure proper management of the situation and also to help them realize how our hearing care specialist can be of huge benefit to them.

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Take the next step in your hearing health and start experiencing the world around you with more clarity.

Man with hidden hearing aid
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    Follow-up Visits & On-Going Care

We do not treat and forget. When you come to us, our relationship runs beyond the time of your initial appointment. We are fully aware that care and maintenance are crucial to prolonging the life as well as the proper performance of your hearing devices. Consequently, we schedule routine office visits to clean and check your hearing devices to ensure their optimal performance for a relatively long period of time.

Here are some of the accompanying services we render during these visits.

  • Provision of a supply of batteries (which needs to be replaced every 1-2 weeks).
  • Cleaning or changing of your supplies for you.
  • Provision of in-house repair in case of damage.
  • Provision of updates on new hearing technology.
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    Hearing Aid Warranties & Maintenance

Hearing aid warranties vary depending on the manufacturer as well as the model. However, the entirety of our new products come with a 1 to 3 year comprehensive warranty (extended warranty options are available for your unique aids and can be purchased at the time of fitting). In other words, if your hearing aid malfunctions before the expiration of your warranty, we can send it to the manufacturer for repair without charge. Emergency appointments are also provided.

Here are some of the free services you stand to benefit from during your warranty.

  • Provision of quarterly cleanings.
  • In office maintenance and repairs.
  • In office changes and modifications.
  • Computer reprogramming and adjustment.
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    Workplace Hearing Testing

Those working in many workplace environments are prone to experiencing hearing loss.  By providing workplace hearing screenings this can often help prevent any long-term damage affected the future hearing health of yourself or a worker.  Those experiencing hearing loss in the workplace doesn't necessarily have to be caused by the workplace itself but can be a liability in jobs where communication is essential.

Workplaces that might require on-going hearing testing would be

  • Manufacturing and Industrial
  • Construction and Demolition
  • Law Enforcement
  • Emergency Assistance (911 Operators, EMT)
  • And many more industrial and commercial workplace environments

At Morris Audiology, we're your next step following a workplace hearing test.  If a worker is found to suffer any hearing loss after their test, Morris Audiology will provide a more thorough screening to determine the severity of their hearing and be able to provide next steps in the patient's hearing health and lifestyle.

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    Hearing Aid Assistance & Fittings

Are you a newbie or an experienced hearing aid user? Regardless of your status, we can help you choose the appropriate devices for your unique listening requirements and fit them perfectly to each ear to ensure they are comfortably worn and all sounds clearly perceived. In addition, we understand as you get used to wearing your hearing aids there may be a need for some adjustments in programming in the subsequent periods. Hence, our service goes well beyond your initial appointment to ensure your continued satisfaction.

Conclusively, we know how important it is to hear and also how sophisticated and delicate hearing aids are. At Morris Audiology, we will always send you a reminder to notify you when its time to visit us so we can provide the necessary maintenance requirements to keep your hearing aids in great shape for the best possible hearing comfort and clarity.

pre teen being fitted for hearing aid